Sunday, November 10, 2024

Mike Shreeve

Mike has been diagnosed with a large mass in his stomach and is going through Chemotherapy
Pray for God's miraculous healing and peace, strength and courage for Mike and his family during this time of therapy and pray that the chemotherapy does what it is supposed to do and not have any bad side effects on Mike's body.

Pastor Jeff
The Fellowship at Weatherford
Prayer Team

Friday, November 8, 2024

Angie Shreeve

Angie is in the hospital with complications from surgery.
Pray for God's healing hand to touch her and bring healing, health, and peace for her and her family.

Pastor Jeff
The Fellowship at Weatherford
Prayer Team

Lee Poland

Lee is suffering from cancer.  Let's pray for God's healing strength, courage and peace for him and his family during this strenuous time.

Pastor Jeff
The Fellowship at Weatherford
Prayer Team

Heather Walker

First Name: Heather
Last Name: Walker

Message: I currently live in a friend's craft room in South Carolina, but this arrangement will end soon. I've been trying for years to be able to live on my own and I've failed. I don't make enough money to buy a single person apartment despite having a Master's degree. I can't find an emotionally stable, financially-responsible roommate to share a living space with. I've got a really good credit score, but my "pay to loan ratio"(what I make vs what I owe on student loans) is too skewed for me to get a home loan. Meanwhile, I'm about to get all of my wisdom teeth removed, so what the insurance doesn't cover, I'll have to pay for out of pocket. I need God to provide a BIG miracle (or several miracles) and I hope God will provide sooner rather than later.

Let's pray for that Big Miracle.
Pastor Jeff

The Fellowship at Weatherford
Prayer Team