First Name: Heather
Last Name: Walker
Message: I currently live in a friend's craft room in South Carolina, but this arrangement will end soon. I've been trying for years to be able to live on my own and I've failed. I don't make enough money to buy a single person apartment despite having a Master's degree. I can't find an emotionally stable, financially-responsible roommate to share a living space with. I've got a really good credit score, but my "pay to loan ratio"(what I make vs what I owe on student loans) is too skewed for me to get a home loan. Meanwhile, I'm about to get all of my wisdom teeth removed, so what the insurance doesn't cover, I'll have to pay for out of pocket. I need God to provide a BIG miracle (or several miracles) and I hope God will provide sooner rather than later.
Let's pray for that Big Miracle.
Pastor Jeff
-- The Fellowship at Weatherford
Prayer Team